Welcome to Warrington Presbyterian Church, and thank you for visiting our web-site.
You may be wondering to yourself, “What will I experience if I visit Warrington Presbyterian Church?” First, you will find a church that passionately believes that the Bible is God’s word, and it is without error. Everyone lives their life based on what they believe. At Warrington Presbyterian, we believe that the Bible informs us of what we are to believe, and how we are to live our lives. We may not be perfect in our faith and obedience, but we are passionate about what the Bible says. And thank God that His word says that we are forgiven.
Another characteristic of our church is our love for one another. Warrington Presbyterian is a community. As believers, we are committed to loving one another and building one another up. In today’s world, that is unique since most organizations we work for or the communities we live in are busy tearing one another apart. But church should be different. It is a group of believers that have been formed by the love of Jesus for sinners and then sinners loving one another. We meet together, eat together and glorify God together. We are a people who have been drawn together by Jesus.
So if you are looking for a place where God’s word is believed and friendships are formed, and where grace abounds, join us at Warrington Presbyterian Church. Join us for Sunday School, Sunday Worship, Wednesday Family Refresher or our youth group. I look forward to seeing you.
Jerry Robbins, Pastor
Service Times
Sunday School 9:00 am
Sunday Worship 10:00 am
Wednesday Night (dinner and Bible Study) 5:30 pm
Click below for Verse of the Day
Weekly Schedule
Weekly Schedule
Sunday School 9:00 am
Worship 10:00 am
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
& Bible Study 5:30 pm
Listen to Dr. Robbins' sermons by clicking here!
Click below to hear the
"My Shepherd Will Supply My Needs"